Authors are encouraged to submit 2-page poster abstracts on their recent research results, practice and experience reports, or novel applications relating to the topics of the VMV 2013 Workshop. Topics may relate to any area in computer graphics, computer vision, and visualization. Accepted poster abstracts will be included in the conference proceedings and the posters will be presented in a special poster session.
Important dates
- 12.08.2013: Poster submission deadline
- 19.08.2013: Poster acceptance notification
- 23.08.2013: Early bird registration
- 11.-13.09.2013: VMV 2013 Workshop
Poster preparation and submission
- Download the corresponding LaTeX template and prepare a 2-page abstract of your poster.
- Send the abstract in pdf-format as attachment via email to (subject “VMV2013 poster submission”).
- Poster submissions will be reviewed.
- Accepted poster abstracts will be included in the workshop electronic proceedings.
- The poster submission is single-blind.
Poster presentation
Posters should be prepared in A0 (portrait is perferred, but landscape is acceptable, too) and are presented in a special poster session in the afternoon of the first day of the conference (Wed, Sep 11). In addition, there is a poster fast forward session before lunch the same day, where each poster presenter has a couple of minutes to summarize the work.